Friday, March 5, 2010


How would you feel if you could literally help someone allow their body to rid itself of chronic pain in only minutes ... without touching them or without ingesting any products! Would you want to know how you can do that? How many people can you think of that you would like to help right now?

For those who choose to believe... Zero Point Energy is a tool that can literally teach your body to heal itself.........often in just minutes! (It usually takes 5 - 30 minutes for short-term relief to be experienced!) Unlike crystals, ZeroPoint Technology does not have to be cleared, cleaned or reprogrammed..

Do I understand how it works? Not really. Do I believe it? YES, absolutely!
This technology:
Relieves Diabetic Neuropathy Pain (MY Personal Favorite!)
Relieves pain from Headaches, Backaches, Stomach Aches, Muscle Aches, Joint Aches
Encourages faster repair to injuries
Changes negative energies caused by Anxiety, Stress, and Panic Attacks
Helps relieve the effects of Carpal Tunnel, PMS, Cramps, Nausea & Hang-Overs
Neutralizes environmental toxins & chemicals such as household cleaners, chlorine, and second-hand smoke
Enhances freshness, taste & longevity of foods and beverages

You will believe it too when you hear the stories from people being helped every day.

Technology has come to bite us on the butt. Daily, we are bombarded by EMF & ELF radiation.
NOT good, people. These radiations have been shown to be the root cause of:

* Weaker immune systems
* Increased fatigue
* Greater stress
* Higher tension
* Discontent and mood swings
* Even many degenerative diseases

We need help!!! The very technology we find so useful is actually assaulting us. In our modern-day environment, our bodies are constantly stressed by conditions that are man made. Cell phones, televisions, computers, microwaves, satellites, and virtually anything that plugs into the wall are emitting electromagnetic waves that attack our body=s natural Biofield. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves used for military communications can literally penetrate right through the human body. Because our bodies are nothing more than vibrating energy, our natural Biofields are severely assaulted by these conflicting energies.

There is chaos in your body's energy field! When the body becomes overwhelmed its natural immunity begins to break down. It is now compromised, leaving us wide open to adverse effects such as fatigue, stress, bacteria, viral infection or even worse, degenerative conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and so on.

There IS a solution. Restoring the body's normal electrical balance will save us all. The ZeroPoint Global System (ZPGS) utilizes the science of ZeroPoint Technology to develop protective, life-enhancing solutions that place the body’s naturally occurring Biofield back into balance while defending against the unseen elements around us. The ZPGS helps improve sleep, focus, energy, a sense of calmness, and enhanced immunity while surrounding the body with a protective buffer from disruptive energies emitted by modern day technology.

Thousands are now experiencing the rejuvenating effects of ZeroPoint including:

* Greater energy and less stress
* A heightened state of awareness
* Rapid post surgical healing
* Relief from PMS symptoms
* Relief from muscle and joint pain
* Relief from hang-over, jet lag, and toothache
* Greater peace-of-mind and less anxiety
* A general sense of peace and well-being

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I totally support the use of NATURAL products for Skincare & Personal care. Whether you know it or not, 60% of whatever you put on your skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream. However, it's what you put INTO your body that is most important.

What’s the largest organ in your body? It’s your skin! It provides a protective covering for the other organs of the body. It changes to regulate your internal body temperature. And it’s a good indicator of overall health and well-being.

People spend thousands of dollars on skin preparations to make your skin look vibrant and glowing. They’re all topical products – products that we put on top of our skin. But if we spent just a fraction of the money we spend on these preparations on RAW FOODS, we’d begin to see an immediate change in the texture of our skin.

When you eat raw foods, you put more of the essential vitamins and amino acids your body needs into it. You’re also adding moisture – naturally. Raw foods have a much higher moisture content than cooked foods, simply because the cooking process takes out so much essential moisture.

Your skin is a mirror of what’s going on in the rest of your body. And when your organs and blood are fed the nutrition they need to function properly, that shows in your skin. Get your vitamins and moisture from foods like apples and carrots. When you do, then phrases like “inner beauty” and “inner glow” will be applied to YOU. Your skin is what’s presented to the rest of the world and healthy, glowing skin makes the best first impression.

When you start adding raw foods to your diet, things will just naturally fall into place. You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. People will react to you more positively. You’ll have so much more energy for your work, your friends, and your family. And this kind of energy is a self-perpetuating thing. You don’t need self-help books and expensive moisturizers and plastic surgery. When your body and skin are getting their essential nutrition with raw, uncooked foods, you’ll look and feel your best, NATURALLY!

Presented by
Estelle Combs